Studio The Drawing And The Space

14/02/2022 - 28/02/2022
Hoogstraat 55, 9000 Gent
In honour of the graduation projects developed during unusual times.

FIELD STATION STUDIO: Architecture and platforms

10/01/2019 - 21/01/2019
Design Museum Gent
Recently, the notion of platforms has taken on different meanings through the increasing digitization of many areas within society: from production and commerce, over media, science, culture and politics. Field Station will present their collective work on the notion of platforms in architecture. The studio explored a wide range of ideas, possibilities and frictions related to platforms as a spatial metaphor, a structural system, an architectural typology, an interface where data space and physical space intersect, as a modus operandi, a model for novel architectural entrepreneurship, or as a site for counter cultural resistance. DING, the extension of the Design Museum Ghent, functioned as means to confront these concepts with a concrete situation. Confronting the site and project with a specific perspective and considering several aspects (the site and existing buildings, its position within the context of Ghent, the ongoing competition, program and function, the ambition to become a third space), resulted in a series of architectural reflections and propositions.

Field Station Studio is an ongoing Architectural Design Office and Master Studio at the Departement Architectuur - KU Leuven, Field Station Studio part of the international network Fieldstations e.V. (http://fieldstations.net/)
chenlina © 2021
website hosted on neocities.org